1.In Genesis 24:12 we read where Abraham’s servant prayed about the tasks before him. We see him invoking the name of Abraham when he prays to G-d. He asked for chesed (loving kindness) toward Abraham. He was basically praying in Avraham’s name. Why would he do that? We as believers usually end our prayers with, “In […]
Read MoreTorah Portion Hayei Sarah (Sarah’s Life) B’resheet (Genesis) 23:1-25:18
1.In Genesis 24:12 we read where Abraham’s servant prayed about the tasks before him. We see him invoking the name of Abraham when he prays to G-d. He asked for chesed (loving kindness) toward Abraham. He was basically praying in Avraham’s name. Why would he do that? We as believers usually end our prayers with, “In […]
Read MoreSh’mini (The Eighth) Leviticus 9:1-11:47
Sh’mini (The Eighth) Leviticus 9:1-11:47 1.What do you think was G-d’s purpose for the kosher laws? a. The kosher laws were to set the people apart, b. to keep them from being assimilated into the pagan world around them. c. It was teaching them to live by G-d’s plan, to live in G-d’s framework. d. […]
Read MoreNitzavim (Standing) Vayelekh (And He Went) D’varim (Deut) 29:9-31:30
Is the point of our faith our life lived on earth or our death and getting to heaven? We believe that Yeshua died, was resurrected and sits at the right hand of the Father. We believe that our faith is not about striving for the world to come but is much more focused on life and […]
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