Hayei Sarah (Sarah’s Life) Gen 23:1-25:18

Torah Portion: Hayei Sarah (Sarah’s life) B’Resheet (Gen.) 23:1-25:18

HafTorah: I Kings 1:1-31

Today, in this Torah section we read of the death of both Avraham and Sarah. Yet the name of the portion is, “Life of Sarah.” What do we learn from this? Death comes to us all but it is only a door to the world to come. What is really of importance is how we live – what defines our lives? How are our days spent? In this section of Torah we get a hint of how both of these people lived. Of Sarah we read these were the years of Sarah’s life in verse one. Back in Genesis 18:11 we read of both Sarah and Avraham, “entered their days.” This phrase is translated in English as advanced in years. Think of it as entering your home. A better translation would be, they connected with each moment and held it close. As we would ay today they were totally “there.” Wherever and with whom ever, they were in the moment. They had many hardships in their life but they, in the midst of it all held on to G-d and His promises. They were not “under the circumstances,” but were able to rise above everything life brought to them. They fully entered each day.

Chayei Sarah Genesis 23

Torah Portion: Chayei Sarah Genesis 23:1-25:18

HafTorah: I Kings 1:1-31

Matthew 1:1-17; I Cor 15:50-57

In this Torah portion we read about one of the times where Jews bought land in Israel, the other two being Joseph’s tomb and the Temple Mount. These three are now some of the most hotly contested places in Israel. Why?

Lech Lecha Genesis 12


Torah Portion: Lech Lecha Genesis 12:1-17:27

HafTorah: Hosea Isaiah 40:27-41:16

A Journey With An Unknown Destination

Tonight I want us to look at my very favorite Torah section. A Torah Section full of truths that we could talk about for days. Such as:

  1. G-d’s encounter with Abraham
  2. G-d’s promises to Abraham

A.  Great Nation

B.  Bless you

C.  Make your name great

D.  You shall be a blessing

E.  Bless those who bless you

F.  Curse those who curse you

G.  All the earth will be blessed through you

H.  Give your descendants the land

Promises of G-d – Shmini (Eight) Leviticus 9


Torah Portion: Shmini (Eight) Leviticus 9:1-11:47

HafTorah: II Samuel 6:1-7:17

Tonight I would like to continue building the spiritual picture we have been working on the last few weeks, that of the physical tabernacle and the priests being a shadow of heavenly spiritual truths. This week we see Aaron and his sons assuming their role as earthly priests and how that gives us insight into Yeshua.  Remember on the mountain G-d showed Moses the heavenly tabernacle and told him to build an earthly model of what he had seen in heaven.  This is mentioned in Hebrews 11:8. This same idea is expressed in many rabbinic writings. In Christian thought this shadow and copy language has been seen to diminish the earthly structure. While in Hebrew it is simply a way of comparing and contrasting the two. Each was G-d ordained and each had its unique purpose.

Chayei Sarah Genesis 23


Torah Portion: Chayei Sarah Genesis 23:1-25:18

HafTorah: I Kings 1:1-31

Tonight I want us to look at the Torah section and see what we can learn from these years of Abraham’s life. There are also several hints in this section about the after life and the resurrection. One of those hints occurs almost immediately in Genesis 23:1. In this verse there are words that without the vowel points can be read two ways. The same words occur in Genesis 25:7 where the text speaks about Abraham. The words are “shna chayai Sarah” and later “shna chayai Avraham”. As they are marked in most Hebrew Bibles they are read “years of life.” However, in the original Hebrew, without vowel points, they can also be read as two lives. If the text is read this way it can be talking about the after life or the resurrection. In verse 23:2 another hint occurs where the word for “weep” in Hebrew is written with a small letter in the middle suggesting that Abraham’s weeping was tempered. Suggesting Abraham as comforted by the fact that he knew he would see Sarah again. This is also stated in I Thess. 4:13 where Paul says we have a hope that nonbelievers do not share. These hints are more evident in Hebrew than our English translations.