Hayei Sarah (Life of Sarah) B’resheet/Genesis 23-25
Torah Portion: Hayei Sarah (Life of Sarah) B’resheet/Genesis 23:1-25:18
HafTorah: I Kings 1:1-31
Tonight we read a Torah portion mainly made up of two events in the life of Avraham. The first event here in Genesis 23 and the second being the search for a wife for Yitzach. When we think of these two subjects it should remind us of G-d’s promise of a land and a people to Avraham.
Concerning the first promise we read of it in these verses: B’resheet/Genesis 12:7, 13:14-17, 15:7 and 15:18-21. Five times G-d affirms His promise of land to Avraham. Also, we can find in 5 places in scripture G-d speaking of Avraham’s descendents as the stars in heaven. This promise he affirms in B’resheet/Genesis 12:2, 13:16, 15:5, 17:4-5 and lastly 22:17.
Hayei Sarah (Sarah’s Life) B’resheet (Genesis) 23-25
Torah Portion: Hayei Sarah (Sarah’s Life) B’resheet (Genesis) 23-25
Haftorah Reading: I Kings 1:1-31
Tonight we read a Torah portion dealing with death in that the passing of both Sarah and Avraham are covered. However, we also read of the purchase of the first plot of the land of Promise and of the marriage of Isaac and Rebekah. These sequences of events bring up a question that each of us must deal with in our life. To help us I would like to look at the life of Avraham and see how he dealt with what could have been crippling disappointment.
HayeiSarah (Sarah’s Life) B’Resheet (Gen) 23-25
Torah Portion: Hayei Sarah (Sarah’s Life) B’Resheet (Gen.) 23:1-25:18
HafTorah: I Kings 1:1-31
Tonight we read the Torah portion, “The life of Sarah,” yet with in this Torah section we read of the death of both Sarah and Avraham. We read of the search for a bride for Isaac and the purchase of a burial place in Hevron for Sarah. It is here I would like to start tonight.
Hayai Sarah (Sarah’s life) B’resheet Gen 23-25
Torah Portion: Hayei Sarah (Sarah’s Life) B’resheet Genesis 23-25
HafTorah: I Kings 1:1-31
Tonight our Torah section covers the death of both Sarah and of Avraham. In it we will see the biblical description of how they both lived and died. I want us to look for clues about how they dealt with life and for clues that gives us an idea of what G-d requires of each of us in this world. Life is more than surviving it is how we enter each day and how we live those days. In our world, in fact also in the world of Avraham and Sarah, it is easier to just go along. It is easier to not make waves and lose ourselves in work or thinking only of our own lives.
Vayera (He Appeared) B’resheet Gen 18-24
Torah Portion: Vayera (He Appeared) B’resheet Genesis 18:1-22:24
HafTorah: II Kings 4:1-37
Tonight we look at a large part of the life of Avraham and Sarah. Last week we read about Sarah telling Avraham to take her maid servant and have a child by her since she was getting old and did not have a child. Then this week we read of the men (angels) coming to visit Avraham and Sarah and announcing that in a year she would conceive and bear a child. In chapter 21:9-11 we read of Sarah telling Avraham to send Hagar and her child away. He does not want to do this. So I want us to take a bit of time and look at this and see what we can learn about this woman.
Lekh L’Kha (B’resheet) Gen 12-17
Torah Portion: Lekh L’kha (B’resheet) Genesis 12:1-17:27
HafTorah: Isaiah 40:27-41:16
Today we are introduced to Avram, later to become Avraham. He is person who is revered by well over half the world’s population. Think about it, he never became a ruler of a nation, wandered much of his life, yet he is looked at as the foundational person in the spiritual life of billions. Why is this? I think the answer lies in this Torah portion.
Toldot (Generations) Gen 25-28
Torah Portion: Toldot (Generations) Genesis 25:19-28:9
HafTorah: Malachi 1:1-2:7
This week we read of the struggle between two boys, twins, born to G-dly parents, raised in the same home and yet turning out completely different. One could say they started out parve but became milk and meat as we read about them. One was a dweller in tents and the other a man of the field. How did this strife come about in such a G-dly atmosphere? Abraham was still alive during their early years, probably helping with their development. How did it happen?
Hayei Sarah (Sarah’s life) Genesis 23-25
Torah Portion: Hayei Sarah (Sarah’s life) Genesis 23-25
HafTorah: I Kings 1:1-31
This week we look at a Parasha filled with verses covering the death of both Abraham and Sarah., yet it is titled, The life of Sarah. Why do you think that is? It might seem more accurate to call it the death of Sarah. This is a subject I want us to look at in some depth this week. I think it has so much to teach each of us in our world today.
Lech L’kha (Go to Yourself) Genesis 12-17
Torah Portion: Lekh L’kha (Go to Yourself) Genesis 12-17
HafTorah: Isaiah 4o:27-41:16
This week we read about the call of Abraham. This Parasha has been pivotal in my own life for over 40 years. I can truly say it started my journey to Israel.
Tonight I want us to look at these verses and let G-d apply them to your own life and situation. I want us to be open to what the Father says to us in the next few minutes. I believe He has more for us than we have ever imagined.
Matot & Masa’ei (Bamidbar) Numbers 30-36
Torah Portion: Matot (Tribes) & Masa’ei (Stages) (Bamidbar) Numbers 30:2-36:13
HafTorah: Jeremiah 1:1-2:28
NT Matt 5:33-37; James 4:1-12
This week we finish the book of Bamidbar (Numbers) by looking at the last two portions of the book. We are also in the third week of mourning marked by the 17th of Tammuz which commemorates the day when the Romans broke through the walls of Jerusalem and ending with the fast day of 9th of Av which was the day the Romans burned Herod’s Temple. The sages say this catastrophe occurred because of brotherly hatred where the religious hierarchy was caught up in arguing and fighting among themselves. This fighting spread to the people causing them to fight among themselves more than fighting with the Romans. This can be tied into our current Torah sections of oaths and vows found in Numbers 30:2-3. Here we see the importance of being true to our word. If we make a vow or oath using G-d as our witness, we are to do all that proceeds out of our mouth. There are a lot of examples of oaths and vows in scripture. Genesis 21:31 Abraham and Avimelech made an oath at Beersheva. In Genesis G-d takes an oath to bless Avraham. He swears by His own name. In Hebrews 6:16 we read where an oath given was the end of every dispute. The point being we are to be truthful people. We are required to keep our word even if it costs us something or is embarrassing to us. Nothing but the truth is expected from G-d people. The New Testament takes this further in that it teaches we should be so honest that our yes or no should be seen by those around us as sufficient. No further word should have to be given.