Mikketz (It Came to Pass) B’resheet/Genesis 41:-44:17
Mikketz(It Came to Pass) B’resheet/Genesis 41:-44:17
Haftorah Reading: I Kings 3:15-4:1
Today our Torah portion continues with the story of Joseph in Egypt and his reunion with his brothers. We see his rise to power in Egypt after he was able to interpret the dreams of Pharaoh. In Genesis 42:7-8 we are told he was able to recognize his brothers when they came before him to request food for their families and flocks. Amazingly, he was able to control his emotions and allowed them to continue to explain their situation. They did not know before whom they had actually bowed down to make their petition for food. No doubt Joseph remembered the dreams he had shared with his brothers years earlier and was now seeing them actually happen. His brothers did attribute their present state to their actions against Joseph when they sold him into slavery.
Vayechi (And He Lived) B’resheet/Gen 47:28-50:26
: Vayechi (And He Lived) B’resheet/Genesis 47:28-50:26
Haftorah Readings: I Kings 2:1-12
Tonight we finish the first book of Torah with a portion about the last days of the life of Jacob. As I pointed out in my questions this week there is one other portion that begins with basically the same words. In Genesis 23:1 we read a portion beginning with this verse, when translated to English reads, ”The life of Sarah.” What is scripture telling us in these two portions?
It seems to me scripture is telling us that death is not the end. It is telling us that our lives are measured by what we leave behind, our legacy of children or others that were influenced by us. These are the things that count. These are of lasting value. Death is but a transition between this world and the next. Here in our reading this week we see Jacob coming to the end of his life here on earth. From here the story carries on with his children and their children and the founding of the twelve tribes of Israel. As history unfolds we see Jacob’s life even intersecting our lives, through his lineage, Yeshua the Messiah.
Vayikra (And He Called) Lev. 1-5
Torah Portion: Vayikra (And He Called) (Leviticus) Vayikra 1-5
Haftorah Reading: Isaiah 43:21-44:23
This Torah portion is the first of the third book of the Torah. “Vayikra” translated to English is “And He Called.” This term is usually seen as a term of endearment. This term is frequently followed by a mission or task that only that person can do. Another example in the Prophets is the book of Samuel where the exact same words are used when G-d calls Samuel. (I Samuel 3:8)