Tetzaveh (You are to Order) Ex 27-30
Torah Portion: Tetzaveh (You are to Order) Exodus 27-30
HafTorah: Ezekiel; 43:10-27
I would like us to look at those things that G-d commanded to be made for Aaron, the High Priest, and his sons, to be used in the service of G-d in the Mishkan (tabernacle). We also read of the oil to be used in the Holy Menorah that stood in the Mishkan.
Shelach L’cha (Send on Your Behalf) Num 13
Torah Portion: Shelach L’cha (Send on your behalf) Numbers (B’Midbar) 13:1-15:41
HafTorah: Joshua 2:1-24
New Testament: Hebrews 3:7-19
Today we talk about one of the major turning points of the time in the wilderness, the sin of the 10 spies and the bad report they brought back about the land of promise. I want us to take several things in this Parasha and see how they might help us to shed light on verses in the New Testament.
A Spiritual Path to G-D – Korach Numbers 16
Torah Portion: Korach Numbers 16:1-18:32
HafTorah: I Sam 11:14 – 12:22
Let me start with a couple of verses from Genesis 1:6-13. In these verses we read about the second and third day of creation. What is missing in day two? G-d does not say it is good. Why? One reason might be that there was a division on the second day. However on day three what do we read? He said, “It was good” twice. Here the earth and water reconciled the division by bringing forth life. I think we can see this in Korach and even in the New Testament. When was Yeshua resurrected? It happened on the third day and that resurrection brought forth spiritual life that we are still experiencing and will continue to experience.
Beha’alotkha Numbers 8
Torah Portion: Beha’alotkha Numbers 8:1-12:16
HafTorah: Zechariah 2:10-4:7
Tonight I would first like to look at the first couple of verses in the Torah reading for this week, Numbers 8:1-4. In this we see Aaron the High Priest given the job of arranging the lamps on the Holy Menorah to illuminate the interior of the Tabernacle and later the Temple. I want us to spend a few minutes here and see what we can learn from the standpoint of Yeshua. Here the earthly Menorah radiates light in the presence of G-d. John 1:5 tell us that Yeshua is the light that shines in the darkness. He is the light that emanates from the presence of G-d. Revelations 4:5 tells us of the heavenly Menorah burning before the throne of G-d. Earlier in Revelations 1:20 the seven lamps are connected with seven congregations, and John seeing Yeshua standing among the seven lamps. In Revelations 2:1 Yeshua indentifies Himself as the one who walks among the seven lamps. In Heaven He is our High Priest. He tends the Menorah of G-d in the heavenly Temple. So, as we understand Numbers 8:1-4, we can see the spiritual connection these verses have to the Messiah. He is the light of the world.