Chukat (Regulations) Numbers/B’midbar 19:1-22:1

Chukat (Regulations) Numbers/B’midbar 19:1-22:1

Haftorah Reading: Judges 11:1-33

Messianic Scripture  John 3:9-21, 4:3-30, 12:27-50

This week we look at a Torah portion filled with many questions. We read of the red heifer. We read of the death of Aaron and Miriam, the two siblings of Moshe. Any one of these could be discussed for hours and even then find there is so much more that could be said. However, today I want to major on only a couple of questions. 

First, to begin, I want to give a working definition of the word used as the title for this portion, Chukat. This word means regulation. However, as we dig a bit, it is a word also denoting a regulation that is hard to grasp the logic behind what it is relating to us.

Bo (Come) Sh’mot (Exodus) 10-13

Torah Portion Bo (Come) Sh’mot (Exodus) 10-13

Haftorah Reading Jeremiah 46:13-28

Tonight we read of the end of the plagues and also the instructions for Pesach (Passover) with special emphasis on the process of getting a male lamb without blemish, killing it, putting the blood on the door post of each home and eating it.

Va’etchanan (And I Pleaded) D’varim (Deut) 3:23-7:11

Torah Portion:  Va’etchanan (And I Pleaded) D’varim (Deut) 3:23-7:11

Haftorah Reading: Isaiah 40:1-26

This week we read one of the most heart wrenching segments of scripture in the Torah. This portion begins with the words of Moshe, “And I pleaded.” We know the story, Moshe stood on the brink of his life’s dream. He stood on the bank of the Jordan as he prepared the people to cross over into the Promised Land. Something he has prepared for for over 40 years. Yet, as he pleads to cross over G-d answers him that he will not go over but will soon die. Not only that but he must prepare and encourage another for the job of taking over his role and lead the people. What was Moshe’s response after hearing these words? Did he argue with G-d? Did he sulk, get angry, stop speaking to G-d?  In his response I think we can learn much that will help us in our own life.

B’Har(On Mount) B’chukkotai (By My Regulations) (Lev.) Vayikra 25-27

Torah Portion:  B’Har(On Mount) B’chukkotai (By My Regulations) (Lev.) Vayikra 25-27

Haftorah Reading: Jeremiah 32:6-27 and Jeremiah 16:19-17:14

This week we finish the book of Vayikra or Leviticus. The last two portions of this book contain many commandments that have in some ways a common thread. Beginning with the Shemita/Sabbatical year and continuing through the blessings and curses we see the issue of faith being at the forefront. Whether it is not planting crops for the year of Shemita or holding on during the horrible happening of the curses, one thing is evident, faith is what will get us through, not dogma, not institutions or any other thing but faith in the Father.  That is our only hope. My question this week had to do with our definition of faith. I got some good answers to which I would like to add my own thoughts.