Counting the Omer Leviticus 23:1-16

Eighth Day of Passover

Counting the Omer Leviticus 23:1-16

Today we will take a closer look at the period we are now in in G-d’s calendar. We will look at what the counting of the Omer can teach us about our spiritual life.

Emor (Speak) Lev.21:1-24:23

 Emor (Speak) Lev.21:1-24:23
Haftorah Reading: Ezekiel 44:15-31
Messianic Scripture  Galatians 3:26-29, Matt. 5;38-42
Today we study the portion called Emor. In this portion we will cover G-d’s calendar of appointed times for the year. This is one of five different places in scripture where we read about this subject.  You can find this topic in Exodus 23:14-17, Exodus 38:18-26, Numbers 28-29 and Deut. 16:1-17 plus what we are reading today. Take the time to read all five scriptures and you will see each has a different emphasis and presentation.

Rejoicing with the King – V’zot Haberacha (And This is the Blessing) D’Varim (Deut.) 33:1-34:12 and Shemini Atzeret

: V’zot Haberacha (And This is the Blessing) D’Varim (Deut.) 33:1-34:12 and Shemini Atzeret 

Haftorah Readings: Joshua 1:1-18

Today and tomorrow are both holidays. Today is Shemini Atzeret and tomorrow will be Simchat HaTorah. The celebration today is seen as the beginning of the rainy season in Israel. Tomorrow, Simchat HaTorah is not found in scripture but has been developing over the millennium to be a day to celebrate both the ending of the yearly cycle of Torah readings and the beginning of a new year.

Becha’alotcha (When You Set Up) B’midbar (Numbers) 8:1-12:16

Torah Portion: Becha’alotcha (When You Set Up) B’midbar (Numbers) 8:1-12:16

Haftorah Readings: Zechariah 2:14-4:7

Tonight, we read the Torah portion that speaks of the Israelites celebrating their first Passover after leaving Egypt. They are about to begin the second part of their journey. No longer are they escaping from Egypt, they are going toward the Promised Land.

Tazria (She Conceives) Vayikra/Leviticus 12:1-13:59 Metzora (Leper) Vayikra/Leviticus 14:1-15:33 Vayikra/Leviticus 9:1-11:47

Torah PortionTazria (She Conceives) Vayikra/Leviticus 12:1-13:59 Metzora (Leper) Vayikra/Leviticus 14:1-15:33 Vayikra/Leviticus 9:1-11:47

Haftorah Reading: II Kings 4:42-5:19, II Kings 7:3-20

As you know we read a double portion this week. Both of these portions had a common thread, uncleanness of a person, clothing or house. These portions also give detailed instructions on how to rid the person, house or clothing of this problem. Remember, having this condition of being unclean did not necessarily mean sin was involved. This condition, if contracted, did set the person or item apart and it could not be used in the Tabernacle and a person could not come into the Tabernacle in an unclean state.

B’shallach (And It Came to Pass) Exodus (Sh’mot) 13:17-17:16

Torah PortionB’shallach (And It Came to Pass) Exodus (Sh’mot) 13:17-17:16

Haftorah Reading: Judges 4:4-5:31

This Torah portion begins with the actual Exodus from Egypt that will not end until we get through the last book of Torah. It begins with verse 13:17 where we read that G-d took them the long way around rather than the more direct route by way of the Philistines. The question arises why did He choose the long way rather than a direct path? What do you think? Keep in mind also that before this portion ends we read of the people fighting and winning a battle with the Amalekites. So, there must be a deeper reason other than the fear of war.

One reason may be hinted at in the Hebrew word for Egypt. This word is Mitzryim. In Hebrew it means limits or restrictions. Remember these people lived for 400 years in a place that had strict limits on their lives. You can take a slave out of Egypt but it takes time to take slavery out of the slave. I think this time in the wilderness was to give them time to learn new boundaries for their lives, more G-dly boundaries. For the first time they had to make choices on their own and deal with the results of those choices.

Torah Portion: B’Shallach (And He sent) Exodus(Sh’mot) 13:17-17:16

Torah Portion:  B’Shallach (And He sent) Exodus(Sh’mot) 13:17-17:16

Haftorah Reading: Judges 4:4-5:31

Today we study the Torah portion covering the physical beginning of the Exodus along with the complaining of the people over having no water and no food. We also read of the final defeat of Pharaoh’s army followed by the beautiful “Song of the Sea” by Moshe and Miriam. 

Tol’dot (Generations) B’resheet (Genesis) 25:19-28:9

Torah Portion:  Tol’dot (Generations) B’resheet (Genesis) 25:19-28:9

Haftorah Reading: Malachi 1:1-2:7


Tonight we read a section of scripture that covers a large part of the history of Isaac, Rebekah and their son’s lives. We read about a family where decisions made caused heartaches and damage that had a long term effect on each life involved.

I would like to start our quest tonight by looking at the nature of the two sons to give us a background to help understand what happens later in their lives. Esau was the first born. He was a hairy man, a man of the field, a man’s man. He was the favorite of his father. Jacob was the second son born, scripture tells us he was “tam” meaning pure. He was a home body. He dwelt in tents.

Bo (Come) Sh’mot Exodus 10-13

Torah Portion: Sh’mot Exodus 10-13 Bo (Come)

HafTorah:  Jeremiah 46:13-28

Tonight we read the conclusion of the ten plagues and the institution of Passover, a yearly celebration of freedom from slavery and oppression. We also read of the yearly religious calendar. In this portion we read of the setting of the month of Aviv, now know as Nissan.