Tetzaveh (You Shall Command) Purim

Weekly Torah Section: Tetzaveh Exodus 27:20-30:10, Haftorah: Ezekiel 43:10-27

The story of Purim is told through the scroll of Esther.  First, as most of you know, there was much discussion when the cannon was being formed as to whether to include the book of Esther or not. Do you know why? The name of G-d is never mentioned in the book. It is implied but not specifically mentioned.

What I want to talk about concerning the book of Esther is connected with our present world and how good and evil are perceived.  We live in a world that okays the killing of the unborn, suicide bombers are looked at and praised as heroes and martyrs.  Israel’s fence is condemned but the one built on our border with Mexico is a good idea. Situational ethics holds sway in our world. The line between good and evil has become blurred or erased all together. I think the story of Purim has something to teach us on this.