Chukat (Regulations) Numbers/B’midbar 19:1-22:1
Chukat (Regulations) Numbers/B’midbar 19:1-22:1
Haftorah Reading: Judges 11:1-33
Messianic Scripture John 3:9-21, 4:3-30, 12:27-50
This week we look at a Torah portion filled with many questions. We read of the red heifer. We read of the death of Aaron and Miriam, the two siblings of Moshe. Any one of these could be discussed for hours and even then find there is so much more that could be said. However, today I want to major on only a couple of questions.
First, to begin, I want to give a working definition of the word used as the title for this portion, Chukat. This word means regulation. However, as we dig a bit, it is a word also denoting a regulation that is hard to grasp the logic behind what it is relating to us.