Pinchas Numbers 25
Torah Portion: Pinchas Numbers 25:10-30:1
HafTorah: I Kings 18:46-19:21
NT Reading: Romans 11:2-32
Tonight I want to start with a look at this section of Torah from a viewpoint of how we can spiritually relate it to Messiah. Here in Pinchas we see shadows of this spiritual connection with Messiah. First to define the Hebrew word Keenah in Numbers 25:11. Here it is translated as zeal. But it is usually translated as jealous. So Pinchas was jealous for G-d and was moved to act. Yeshua can clearly be called one who is jealous for G-d – to the point of laying down His own life for the salvation of Israel. As Pinchas turned away G-d’s wrath so does Yeshua take upon Himself the punishment or wrath of G-d for us by laying down His life for us. G-d grants Pinchas and his descendants a perpetual priesthood on this earth and Yeshua has taken His place in heaven as our eternal High Priest.