Vayikra (And He Called) Leviticus 1:1-5:26

 Vayikra (And He Called) Leviticus 1:1-5:26
Haftorah Reading: Isaiah 43:21-44:23
Messianic Scripture  Romans 8:1-13, Hebrews 10:1-14
Our Torah portion covers the first fives chapters of our new book of Torah, Leviticus.  In this portion and also in the next eight chapters G-d speaks to Moshe mainly about the sacrificial system of the Torah. I expect most of us have a hard time getting through these verses since they seem to have little to say to us today. However, I pray today may change your mind and give you new insights into how these verses can speak to you. In Leviticus 1:9 we read where, as the smoke of the offering rises to heaven , it will be a “soothing aroma to the L-rd.” At the time these sacrifices were a symbol of His children’s obedience to Him.

Hukath (Regulation) Num. 19:1-22:1

Torah Portion: Hukath (Regulation) Numbers (B’Midbar) 19:1-22:1

HafTorah: Judges 11:1-33

New Testament: John 3:9-21; 4:3-30; 12:27-50

Tonight we look at one of the harder things in Torah to understand. The Red Heifer here in the opening verse we read hukath Torah – The decree of the Torah. It is as if the Torah is saying “This is the point of the whole Torah.” A verse in the New Testament, Mark 12:30-31, reflects the same kind of idea. Here Yeshua gives an answer to a question that was meant to trip Him up. Love G-d and love your neighbor. What do the two have to do with each other?

Entering, Possessing, Dwelling – Ki Tavo (When You Come) Deut 26


Torah Portion: Ki Tavo  (When You Come) Deut. 26:1-29:8

HafTorah: Isaiah 60:1-22

In the days of the Temple farmers were to set aside the first of the seven things mentioned in Torah in Deut. 8:8. How did they do this? The farmer went out into the fields at the first sign of blossoms or heads of grain and marked them with a ribbon on the stems. When they reached maturity he would harvest them and take them to the Temple in Jerusalem during Shavuot. He would give them to the priest and recite the words of Deut 26:5-11. What was the purpose of this ritual to the farmer? It kept it in his mind and spirit that all things come from the Father, and gave him an opportunity to show his gratitude for G-d’s provisions.