Noah B’resheet/Genesis 6:9-11:32
Torah Portion: Noah B’resheet/Genesis 6:9-11:32
HafTorah: Isaiah 54:1-55:5
Today we study the saga of the flood and in some ways the beginning again with Noah and his family. We also read of the animals that entered into the ark. I would like to begin with a look at the word translated in English as ark. In Hebrew this word is “tevah,” which has a number of meanings. Here it is used to describe a wooden box. This is a very large box some 450 feet long.
Bo (Come)
Weekly Torah Section: Bo (Come) Exodus 10:1-13:16, Jeremiah 46:13-28
Let’s start tonight by looking at Jeremiah and then spend some time on the Torah section. First, the Bible tells us that Jeremiah was commissioned as a prophet in the 13th year of King Josiah. This would be in the early half of the 600’s and apparently Jeremiah was young at the time (Jeremiah 1:6) He continued as a prophet for the next 40 years. This King Josiah is the same king we read about last week who died at the battle with the Egyptians at Megiddo. Jeremiah lived through the conquest of Judah by Nebuchadnezzar but unlike Ezekiel, was allowed to remain in Israel. Our section tonight deals with his words about Judah’s continued reliance on Egypt for protection. In fact, my first question deals with one of these verses: Jeremiah 46:17. King Jehoakim trusted in Egypt to deliver him from Babylon. How did that work out for him? It says in this verse that Egypt had no power but rather was just a big noise. Who is our Deliverer? G-d Almighty. All else is clashing cymbals – just noise compared to G-d. He ends in this section with words of comfort to Judah and Israel. They will return to G-d’s promise and rest in peace. We do not have to worry and tremble before the things of this world. G-d is our defender and shield.