Korach B’midbar (Numbers) 16-18

Torah Portion:  Korach B’midbar (Numbers) 16:1-18:32

HafTorah: I Samuel 11:14-12:22

This Shabbat we read about one of the most serious rebellions against Moses and Aaron. In this rebellion we see three different groups come up against the leaders of Israel.  If you remember this rebellion occurs following the incident of the spies. The people learned that their decision not to go up with G-d and enter the land resulted in everyone over 20 years old being judged by G-d with the fate of never seeing the Land of Promise. I am sure the people were demoralized and downcast, ripe for insurrection.

Korach Numbers (B’Midbar) 16-18

Torah Portion: Korach Numbers 16-18

HafTorah: I Sam. 11:14-12:22

This week’s Torah section is full of spiritual lessons for us. The main part of this Parasha concerns Korach and the rebellion led by him against Moses and Aaron. I want us to look at this rebellion in some detail and see what life spiritual lessons we can draw from it.