Emor (Speak) Leviticus(Vayikra) 21-24

Torah Portion:  Emor(Speak) (Leviticus) Vayikra 21-24

Haftorah Reading: Ezekiel 44:15-31

Tonight we cover the Torah Portion Emor or Speak. This Torah portion is mainly about the yearly schedule of Mo’adim or festivals.  I would like to begin with a discussion of the word Emor. Usually we are cautioned about speaking too much and in general that is a good rule for us to follow. However, sometimes words are called for. A wise person knows the power of speech, how words have the power to hurt and damage people. But speech also can be used to build up. Positive words can encourage and build up a person. This kind of speech is important and when used properly can bring healing and encouragement. In this Torah portion, the word Emor is a command for Moshe to encourage his people. May we all do the same.