Acharei Mot (After the death) Vayikra/Leviticus 16:1-18:30
Acharei Mot (After the death)Vayikra/Leviticus 16:1-18:30
Haftorah Reading: Ezekiel 22:1-19
I want us to talk about a very serious issue that is all around us. Even in our religious institutions we see things condoned that we would have never dreamed of a few years ago. In our Torah portion today we read of a remedy for the sin sweeping our world.
My question this week centered on two verses, one in our reading and one from the Messianic scriptures. Both of these verses lay out a path for G-d’s people to rise above the situations we encounter each day. We see how to resist becoming numb to the sins we encounter.
Vayigash (He Approached) B’resheet/Genesis 44:18-47:27
Vayigash (And He Approached) B’resheet/Genesis 44:18-47:27
I want us to look at two dominate personalities in this Torah portion. I sent you a question earlier concerning these two men and I hope you have had the opportunity to consider my question?
Shelach L’Kha (Send on your behalf) B’Midbar(Numbers) 13-15
Torah Portion: Shelach L’Kha (Send on your behalf) B’Midbar(Numbers) 13-15
Haftorah Reading: Joshua 2:1-24
This Torah portion opens with the drama of sending the 12 spies into the Land and their return with answers to the questions of Moshe, which he charged them with before they set out. These twelve men were not just anyone but leaders of their tribes.
Noah (B’resheet) Genesis 6-11
Torah Portion: Noah (B’resheet) Genesis 6:9-11:32
HafTorah: Isaiah 54:1-55:5
Tonight we look at the Torah portion Noah. It covers the flood and in some ways, the second creation, in that G-d judged the earth saving only Noah and his family, which are the ancestors of each of us. We go on to see the erection of the Tower of Babel, which G-d stopped by confusing the languages of the people of the earth, thus dispersing them across the face of the earth. The portion ends by introducing us to Avram for the first time.