Tetzaveh (You are to command) Exodus/Sh’mot 27:20-30:10

Tetzaveh(You are to command)Exodus/Sh’mot 27:20-30:10

Haftorah Reading: Ezekiel 43:10-27

This Sabbath I have a few points I want to cover with you. I believe each of these points are spiritually relevant to our lives today. They should speak to each of us in our personal walk.

To begin, I want to share an example I read this week from a good friend who lives in Jerusalem. It concerned him buying olive oil for lighting his menorah on the Shabbat. According to scripture, pure pressed olive oil was used to light the candles in the Tabernacle and later in the Temple. This friend lights his Shabbat candles each Friday at sundown to welcome the Sabbath. As he was shopping for oil he found it would be much cheaper to buy sunflower oil or other substitutes for his menorah than pure pressed olive oil. Olive oil was double the price of sunflower oil. After thinking about it he decided to follow scripture and use what was prescribed there and not use a substitute. 

Tetzaveh (You shall command) Sh’mot/Ex. 27:20-30:10

Torah Portion: Tetzaveh (You shall command) Sh’mot/Ex. 27:20-30:10

Haftorah Reading: Ezekiel 43:10-27


Much of this Torah portion is concerned with the installation and anointing of Aaron as high priest and his children as priests. Their purpose being to serve G-d and the people in the  Mishkan or Tabernacle and later in the Temple in Jerusalem. They served the people as their go between with G-d. The office of high priest was passed down through Aaron’s family and descendants over the years.  Here in our portion, great care and attention to details were given to everything the priest wore and how Aaron and his sons served the people of Israel.

Tetzaveh(Command) Exodus(Sh’mot) 27:20-30:10

Torah Portion:  Tetzaveh(Command) Exodus(Sh’mot) 27:20-30:10

Haftorah Reading: Ezekiel 43:10-27

Tonight, we read a Torah portion made up almost entirely with a description of the priestly garments and the process of setting apart Aaron and his sons for the priesthood. My question this week covers this process and what it means to be set apart. However, before we get to that there are several other topics I want us to look at and how they speak to our lives today.

In the very first verse we read of the pure beaten olive oil that was to be brought for the light in the Mishkan. I want to take just a moment to examine this and how it might apply in our own life. G-d specifically says the oil the people are to bring must be pure beaten olive oil. In some translations it is called crushed oil. Crushed is probably the better translation. Even today, to get the best extra virgin olive oil the olives are crushed just enough to get the first few drops – the purest of the crop. After that, the olives are beaten to get whatever oil remains. So, the first crushing produces the best and purest oil. From this what oil gives the best light? The purest oil gives the best light.

Tetzaveh (You are to order) Ex 27-30

Torah Portion:  Tetzaveh (You are to order) Exodus 27-30

HafTorah: Ezekiel 43:10-27

This week’s Torah portion begins by giving instructions about the oil to be used in lighting the Ner Tamid or the eternal flame, and then the next chapter speaks of the clothing for Aaron and his sons as they minister to G-d in the Mishkan (Tabernacle).

Ki Tisa (When You Take) Ex 30-34

Torah Portion: Ki Tisa (When You Take) Exodus 30-34

HafTorah: I Kings 18:1-39

“When you take the head of the of the sons of Israel.” This is so important here in that it shows the importance of each person. They were to be counted by going to each one and counting them for service to the L-rd. Let us never think that we are unimportant or that G-d only cares for the good ones, or for the important ones. He loves us all equally. He knows each of us. We matter to Him. When you feel G-d does not care remember this verse. Moses was to go to each person, not just give an estimate but to touch each one – to show they mattered and they counted.

Tetzaveh (You are to Order) Ex 27-30

Torah Portion: Tetzaveh (You are to Order) Exodus 27-30

HafTorah: Ezekiel; 43:10-27

I would like us to look at those things that G-d commanded to be made for Aaron, the High Priest, and his sons, to be used in the service of G-d in the Mishkan (tabernacle). We also read of the oil to be used in the Holy Menorah that stood in the Mishkan.

Messiah in the Five Sacrifices – Vayikra (And He Called)



Torah Portion: Vayikra (And He Called) Leviticus 1:1-6:7

HafTorah: Isaiah 43:21-44:23

G-d’s presence had moved from the mountain to the Tent of Meeting and called to Moses from the Tent. This is the third time we see G-d calling to Moses. The first time at the bush, G-d says Moses, Moses. -Exodus 3:4. Here he called Jacob twice Genesis 46:2, and here he called Samuel twice 1 Samuel 3:10. In the New Testament Acts 9:4 we see Yeshua use this same pattern with Shaul. Usually when a name is repeated like this in scripture it is a sign of special affection.