Matot and Masa’ei B’Midbar (Num) 30-36
Torah Portion: B’Midbar (Numbers) 30:2-36:13
HafTorah: Jeremiah 1:1-2:28
Tonight we finish the book of B’Midbar or Numbers by reading a double portion of the book. These two sections cover a wide range of topics from the giving of a vow, the division of the Land, the victory over the Midianites where we read of the death of Bi’lam, all the journeys of Israel and the death of Aaron.
Naso (count) Numbers 4-7
Torah Portion: Naso (Count) Numbers 4:21-7:89
HafTorah: Judges 13:2-5
This evening we look at the Torah Portion named Naso or count. In this Torah section we cover many topics but I want us to look closely at two, both of which are in chapter 5 of Numbers.
The first thing I would like us to seek the L-rd on is found in Numbers 5:6-7. It speaks of confession of our sins. In these verses we read that when we sin we are to confess our sins to G-d. In Hebrew this is called “vidui.” The important part is that the confession, according to Judaism and Christianity, is to be verbalized. We speak the words with our mouth to G-d. What’s the point of vocalizing our thoughts of remorse to G-d? The L-rd of the universe knows our every thought and our every feeling like an open book. Why must our confession be verbal?