Metzora (Leper) Vayikra/Leviticus 14:1-15:33
Tazria (She Conceives) Vayikra/Leviticus 12:1-13:59
Tazria(She Conceives)Vayikra/Leviticus 12:1-13:59
Haftorah Reading: II Kings 4:42-5:19
This Torah portion may seem at first glance to have little to do with us or our world. However, as we go over it tonight I pray each of us will see the biblical truths within these verses, truths that will give us a far better understanding of how it speaks exactly to us today.
Tazria (She Conceives) Lev. 12:1-13:59 Metzora (Leper) Lev.14:1-15:33
Torah Portion: Tazria(She Conceives) Lev. 12:1-13:59 Metzora (Leper) Lev.14:1-15:33
Haftorah Reading: II Kings 4:42-5:19, II Kings 7:3-20
Messianic Scripture Matthew 8:1-4, 11:2-6, Mark 1:40-45, Matt. 9:20-26, Hebrews 13:4
Today we read and study two Torah portions. Both are also represented in the Messianic Scriptures. The subject of both is bodily discharges that cause uncleanness to the person or object involved. The name of the first Torah portion is Tazria. What is interesting to us is that both Tazria and Metzora are mentioned in different places in the Messianic Scriptures.
Tazria (She Conceives) and Metzora( Leper) Leviticus (Vayikra) 12-15
Torah Portion Tazria (She Conceives) and Metzora( Leper) Leviticus (Vayikra) 12-15
Haftorah Reading II Kings 4:42-5:19 and II Kings 7:3-20
This week we read two portions of scripture that have mainly to do with the disease of leprosy. In our world today medical science has eradicated this disease so the question is why bother with a subject that is no longer relevant in our world? The Torah is less concerned about the actual disease than the spiritual lessons behind it.
Tazria (Conceived) and Metzora (Leper) (Leviticus) Vayikra 12-15
Torah Portion: Tazria (Conceived) and Metzora (Leper) (Leviticus) Vayikra 12-15
Haftorah Reading: II Kings 4:42-5:19 and II Kings 7:3-20
Tonight we read two Torah Portions concerning clean and unclean items and people. Remember, this condition of being unclean does not necessarily mean sin has occurred. Usually it is a result of just living in the world or natural bodily functions such as we see here tonight.
However, as with leprosy it can be brought on by the sin of “lashon harah” or an evil tongue. This is related to gossip or talking badly about someone or in some cases about something. The most obvious example is the case of Miriam, the sister of Moshe. We read about this in Numbers/B’Midbar 12:1-10. When we read these verses we read where Aaron and Miriam were talking about Moshe marrying a Cusite woman. G-d judged Miriam by causing her to have leprosy. Scripture says she became white as snow and was restored only when Moshe prayed for her. We also see where this condition was looked on as if she was dead.
Metzora (Leper)(Leviticus) Vayikra 14-15
Torah Portion: Metzora (Leper) (Leviticus) Vayikra 14-15
Haftorah Reading: II Kings 7:3-20
This week our Torah portion continues with the discussion of clean and unclean issues dealing with people. In last weeks section in verses 13:1-4 we read where the word used for man was “adam” rather than the more common word, “ish.” This shows the connection between this disease and the fall of mankind in the garden. Then death, disease and sin entered the world and we still suffer from the effects of the actions of Adam and Eve. Here again we read where one of the effects of the illness of leprosy is rooted in our spiritual nature, in that this disease, as well as other things, can separate us spiritually from G-d. Yeshua and His blood can cleanse us from this separation. However, it is very important for us to do what we can to not come under the influence of the issues we read about this week. Remember, this is at least 3 chapters devoted mainly to one ailment and its effect on our connection with G-d.
Metzora Lev 14:1-15:33
Torah Portion: Metzora Leviticus 14:1-15:33
HafTorah: II Kings 7:3-20
First let’s finish up last week. We were going to cover those things that Yeshua and His family did which would be examples of Torah. So let us take a look at what you have found. First, He was circumcised on the 8th day. (Luke 2:21) At 13 He appeared in Jerusalem at the time of his coming of age. He kept the Passover and Sabbath. (Mark 1:21, Mark 6:2, Matt. 5:18)
Metzora Lev. 14-15
Torah Portion: Metzora Vayikra Lev. 14-15
HafTorah: II Kings 7:3-20
Tonight I want us to look at the person with leprosy and the process involved with the person becoming clean again. Look at Lev. 14:1-3 which introduces us to this process. It is important to keep in mind that the process we are looking at did not cure the leprosy but was the process to declare the person clean so they could reenter the religious life of Israel.