Mikketz (It Came to Pass) B’resheet/Gen 41:1-44:17
: Mikketz (It Came to Pass) B’resheet/Genesis 41:1-44:17
Haftorah Readings: I Kings 3:15-4:1
Today I have two points for us to ponder. I have read the weekly portions of Torah every week for years and both of these points I have never noticed before so I look forward to sharing these with you today. It will be new for me and I hope for you also.
I would like to start with Genesis 42:1. In this verse we read of a conversation between Jacob and his children. “And Jacob saw that there was food in Egypt, and Jacob said to his sons, Why are you looking at each other.”
Sh’mot (Names) Ex. 1-6
Torah Portion: Sh’mot (Names) Exodus 1:1-6:1
HafTorah: Jeremiah 1:1-2:3, Isaiah 27:6-28:13
This week we read the first Torah section of Sh’mot (Exodus). In this section we read of the birth of Moses, his flight from Egypt and then G-d’s call on him to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt and return to the Land of Promise.
V’Zot HaBrachah (And this is the blessing) (Deut.) 32:1-34:12
Torah Portion: V’Zot HaBrachah (And this is the blessing) (Deut.) 32:1-34:12
HafTorah: Joshua 1:1-18
Tonight we finish our yearly Torah cycle by finishing the book of Deut. (D’Varim). Next week we begin the cycle again with the book of Genesis. Since we did not do a Torah study last week I wanted to take a moment to look at HaAzinu.