Mishpatim (Judgements) Exodus/Sh’mot 21:1-24:18

Know G-d’s Word as well as you know your name Mishpatim (Judgements) Exodus/Sh’mot 21:1-24:18   Most of us reading this Torah portion today may feel these laws set out here were for a different time and have little to teach us in our modern world. Some may even consider these verses as only applying to […]

Ki Tisa (When you take) Ex. 30-34

Torah Portion:  Ki Tisa (When You Take)(Sh’mot) Exodus 30-34

Haftorah Reading: I Kings 18:1-39

This Torah portion begins with the taking of the census of all the people of G-d and the paying of what became known as the Temple tax. However the pivotal events talked about in this section are the incidents of the golden calf and the giving of the two sets of tablets of the Law. The first set of laws was broken by Moshe when he returned from his time with G-d on top of Mt. Sinai.

Chukat (Ordinance) Numbers 19-22

This week we read the Torah section named “Chukat” or “Ordinance” in English. It opens with the laws concerning the red heifer. In Hebrew the word Chok means a commandment that may seem illogical to us but never the less is commanded by G-d.  It is said that even King Solomon, in all his wisdom, could not rationalize the commandments of the red heifer.  Sometimes we can’t understand with our human reasoning why G-d has said something but still we know it is from Him. This calls for discernment on our part so that we don’t go off on some wild goose chase. Therefore, we must know His word that we not be deceived.

Re’eh (See) Devarim Deut 11-16

Torah Portion: Re’eh (See) Devarim (Deuteronomy) 11:26-16:17

HafTorah: Isaiah 54:11-55:5

This week we read a Torah section whose main theme is the future Temple and singular place of worship for Jewish people. As you go through this section you will see time and again the distinctiveness of this place of worship. We see it in the food laws, in that only kosher animals can be brought for sacrifice. We see that only Passover, Shavout and Sukkot are mentioned among the holidays. These are the three holidays where Israel, as a people, were called to come to Jerusalem to celebrate together. We also see it in the setting up of Jerusalem as different from the customs of the local inhabitants, who had a multitude of places to worship. All of this points to the fact that the people of G-d were to be different from those around them.

Chukat (Regulations) Numbers 19-22

Torah Portion: Chukat (Regulation) Numbers 19-22

HafTorah: Judges 11:1-33

NT John 3:9-21, 4:3-30, 12:27-50

In this Torah section we cover many things that will give us the opportunity to grow in our spiritual understanding. We see the death of two people who were two of only a few still left alive from the original ones who left Egypt. One of those who died was Moses’ sister Miriam. In D’Varim (Deut) 24:9 we read a curious statement concerning her, “remember what G-d did to her on the way from Egypt.” This is one of only six things Torah commands us to remember each day. So what did G-d do to her? She complained about Moses and G-d struck her with leprosy. So what was her sin? Her sin was lashon harah or gossip. This should tell us something of how the Father sees this sin. If we remember it daily it should impress us and remind us how G-d sees a loose tongue. Even her punishment is connected with the sin. Leprosy is looked at as a slow death. When we speak evil of someone it can have the same effect. It can slowly destroy them. When we gossip it usually does not stop with the person with whom we shared our story. It takes on a life of its own and like a disease, spreads from person to person infecting them all with the words we spoke. I pray each of us remember Miriam each day and with G-d’s help we will not be a part of this sin of lashon harah.

Vayikra (And He Called) Lev 1-5

Torah Portion: Vayikra (And He Called) Lev. 1-5

HafTorah: Isaiah 43:21-44:23

Tonight we begin the third book of Moses. In English we read Leviticus which is a Greek word meaning relating to the Levites. At the time of Yeshua it would have been called Torath Ha Kohanim. It is basically the laws and rules dealing with sacrifices and the duties of the priests.

Mishpatim (Rulings) Shemot (Exodus) 21

Torah Portion: Mishpatim (Rulings) Shemot (Exodus) 21:1-24:18

HafTorah: Jeremiah 34:8-22; 33:25-26

New Testament: Matt. 5:38-42, 15:1-20; Mark 7:1-23; Acts 23:1-11; Hebrews 9:15-22; 10:28-29

This week we look at the continuation of G-d law. This Torah section begins with two Hebrew words, “ve’elli” which means in English, “and these” indicating that the words following are to be seen as part of the revelation from Sinai. The first verses up until Shemot 21:27 mainly deals with slavery and how to treat slaves. This seems difficult to us today. Why didn’t G-d just say do not have slaves? That would have been it and then go on.

Sh’mini (The Eighth)

Sh’mini (The Eighth) Leviticus 9:1-11:47 and II Samuel 6:1-7:17


I would like us to look first at II Samuel and then move to the Torah portion for tonight. First a touch of background: the Philistines had captured the ark from Israel in battle and took it to their territory. However, pretty quickly they saw that was not working out for them so they took it from Gath and returned it to Beith Shemesh. In I Samuel 6:19 it tells us the people of Beth Shemesh opened the ark and because of that 50,070 people died. Then they sent it on to Kirjath Jearim where it stayed in the house of Abinadab for twenty years.