Yitro(Jethro)Ex./Sh’mot 18:1-20:23
Torah Portion: Yitro(Jethro)Ex./Sh’mot 18:1-20:23 Haftorah Reading: Isaiah 6:1-7:6; 9:5-6 Tonight we cover a Torah portion that is named for a non-Jew. This person is the father-in-law of Moshe. Also in this portion we have the giving of the Ten Commandments or the Ten Utterances. Both of these topics are extremely important to us to know how […]
Mishpatim (Judgements) Exodus/Sh’mot 21:1-24:18
Know G-d’s Word as well as you know your name Mishpatim (Judgements) Exodus/Sh’mot 21:1-24:18 Most of us reading this Torah portion today may feel these laws set out here were for a different time and have little to teach us in our modern world. Some may even consider these verses as only applying to […]
Jethro (Yitro) Exodus/Sh’mot 18:1-20:23
Jethro(Yitro)Exodus/Sh’mot 18:1-20:23
Today I want us to look at several topics in this Torah portion with the last one being connected to my question this week. I also want to thank everyone for your responses to my question. There were some really good answers.
Before we get to my question I want to mention the visit of Moshe’s father-in-law Jethro. In our verses today we read where Jethro came to visit Moshe. He also brought Moshe’s wife, Zipporah and his two children with him to reunite the family. While he was there he observed Moshe as he met with people who were seeking his wisdom and advice on many different issues.
Yitro (Jethro) Sh’mot/Ex. 18:1-20:23
Torah Portion: Yitro (Jethro) Sh’mot/Exodus 18:1-20:23
Haftorah Reading: Isaiah 6:1-7:6; 9:5-6
Today we look at the Torah portion of Yitro/Jethro. This portion was named after the father in law of Moshe. It contains many things that could occupy pages of discussion. However, I will only deal with a few of them today.
I want to begin with my question about Shavuot or the holiday of weeks. This holiday happens on the fiftieth day counting from the first day of Passover. I know we have covered this more than once but I believe it is worthwhile to go over it again, lest we forget from where our faith came.