Tol’dot (History or Generations) B’resheet/Genesis 25:19-28:9
Tol’dot(History)B’resheet/Genesis 25:19-28:9
Haftorah Reading: Malachi 1:1-2:7
This week we study a Torah portion that is filled with intrigue and suspense. It also raises spiritual issues that are very important to each of us. Perhaps it would be best to start with the most difficult first. Who do you sympathize with when you read this portion? Who do you see as the person most at fault when you read these verses?
Tol’dot (Generations) B’resheet (Genesis) 25-28
Torah Portion: Tol’dot (Generations) B’resheet (Genesis) 25-28
Haftorah Reading: Malachi 1:1-2:7
Our Torah portion is devoted entirely to Isaac and his family. In fact this is the only portion that gives us much information about the second of the Patriarchs. In our portion we read of many similarities between Isaac and Abraham. Each had to face decades of childlessness, famine, hostile tyrants and rebellious sons. However, they were both very different. Abraham was constantly on the move. Isaac never left the land of Israel. Abraham spent his whole life as a shepherd. Isaac was a shepherd too but he also was a farmer. Abraham spent his life interacting with people, spreading his faith in God. We see very little of this in Isaac’s life. Isaac was a digger of wells. We read of his digging of wells here in this portion.
Tol’dot (Generations) Beresheet Gen 25-28
Torah Portion: Tol’dot (Generations) (B’resheet) Genesis 25-28
Haftorah Reading: Malachi 1:1-2:7
This week we read a portion of Torah that covers much of the life of Isaac. Contained also is the drama played out in the family which concerns the two sons of Isaac and Rebekah. I want us to take time looking at this drama but first a few words about the second Patriarch of Israel, Isaac.
Tol’dot (History) Gen 25-28
Torah Portion: Tol’dot (History) B’resheet Genesis 25-28
HafTorah: Malachi 1:1-2:7
In this section of scripture we read about the birth of twins to Rivkah and Yitzak. We read of the on going tension between the boys and the eventual leaving of Ya’acov to the home of Rivkah’s brother. This section is filled with relational issues that arise in a family and I think gives us some insight in the correct way to deal with them. This is the main thrust of what I would like to look at today.
Vayera (He Appeared) B’resheet Gen 18-24
Torah Portion: Vayera (He Appeared) B’resheet Genesis 18:1-22:24
HafTorah: II Kings 4:1-37
Tonight we look at a large part of the life of Avraham and Sarah. Last week we read about Sarah telling Avraham to take her maid servant and have a child by her since she was getting old and did not have a child. Then this week we read of the men (angels) coming to visit Avraham and Sarah and announcing that in a year she would conceive and bear a child. In chapter 21:9-11 we read of Sarah telling Avraham to send Hagar and her child away. He does not want to do this. So I want us to take a bit of time and look at this and see what we can learn about this woman.
Toldot (Generations) Gen 25-28
Torah Portion: Toldot (Generations) Genesis 25:19-28:9
HafTorah: Malachi 1:1-2:7
This week we read of the struggle between two boys, twins, born to G-dly parents, raised in the same home and yet turning out completely different. One could say they started out parve but became milk and meat as we read about them. One was a dweller in tents and the other a man of the field. How did this strife come about in such a G-dly atmosphere? Abraham was still alive during their early years, probably helping with their development. How did it happen?
Serving Others – Vayera Genesis 18
Torah Portion: Vayera Genesis 18:1-22:24
HafTorah: II Kings 4:1-37
In John 8:39 Yeshua says to us, “If you are Abraham’s children do the deeds of Abraham.” With this verse as a starting point I want us to look at the first 20 or so verses of chapter 18 of Genesis where Abraham experiences two visits. Now these visits happen after his circumcision. We don’t know how long after but Jewish sages see it as being pretty much immediately after. In fact, they see the visit of G-d as being an example to us of visiting the sick.
Promises of G-d – Shmini (Eight) Leviticus 9
Torah Portion: Shmini (Eight) Leviticus 9:1-11:47
HafTorah: II Samuel 6:1-7:17
Tonight I would like to continue building the spiritual picture we have been working on the last few weeks, that of the physical tabernacle and the priests being a shadow of heavenly spiritual truths. This week we see Aaron and his sons assuming their role as earthly priests and how that gives us insight into Yeshua. Remember on the mountain G-d showed Moses the heavenly tabernacle and told him to build an earthly model of what he had seen in heaven. This is mentioned in Hebrews 11:8. This same idea is expressed in many rabbinic writings. In Christian thought this shadow and copy language has been seen to diminish the earthly structure. While in Hebrew it is simply a way of comparing and contrasting the two. Each was G-d ordained and each had its unique purpose.
What Do You Do When No One is Looking? – Va’era (I Appeared) Exodus 6
Torah Portion: Va’era ( I Appeared) Exodus 6:2-9:35
HafTorah: Ezekiel 28:25-29:21
I want us to look at a question that I think has bearing on our Torah portion this week. I have been discussing this subject with some of you this week and have continued to think about it as the week has progressed. I shared with you a few months ago the title of an interesting book I was reading, “Seven Questions You are Asked in Heaven.” This book will provoke you to think, which is always a good thing.
Toldot (Generations) Genesis 25
Torah Portion: Toldot Genesis 25:19-28:9
HafTorah: Malachi 1:1-2:7
Again tonight I would like for us to look mainly at the Torah portion concerning Isaac’s life. I want to especially look at the last days of his life. Let us begin by looking at Genesis 25:21 where it says Isaac pleaded with G-d for his wife because she was barren. They had been married for 20 years. What effect do problems have in our life? It depends on how we look at them. We can worry, become angry, or just give up. All these are ways we can react to issues in our lives. Here we learn a good lesson. What really brings peace to us and answers to what we are dealing with? Prayer. The Hebrew in this verse is quite strong. The verb would be to plead, entreat, urge. Isaac was pouring all he had into this prayer ad not just for a day or two but years. The Talmud gives an explanation for this barren condition. “Because the Holy One blessed be He longs to hear the prayer of the righteous.” Isaac and others in the Bible were drawn to prayer for their barren wives. What effect can prayer have on us? On G-d? For sure it develops that closeness between us and the Father such as nothing else can.