Tetzaveh (You Shall Command) Sh’mot/Exodus 27-30
Torah Portion: Tetzaveh (You Shall Command) Sh’mot Exodus 27-30
HafTorah: Ezekiel 43:10-27
This week our Torah portion is Tetzaveh and it covers the clothing worn by the priests as they carried out their duties before the L-rd in the Mishkan and ends with the Incense Altar, its construction, and how to do the burning of incense on the altar.
Tetzaveh (You are to order)Exodus 27-30
Torah Portion: Tetzaveh (You Are To Order)(Sh’mot) Exodus 27:20-30:10
Haftorah Reading: Ezekiel 43:10-27
In this Torah Portion we read about the clothing of the priest and their duties as priest. In fact, one entire chapter is set aside to describe the clothes of the High Priest that he was to wear for honor and glory. However, the portion begins with the last two verses of chapter 27 that speaks of the eternal light that was to burn continually before the veil in the Mishkan. The portion ends with a description of the altar of incense. Why do you think this division was used when the portion last week was devoted to the furnishing of the Mishkan? Why separate these two things out? It could be that scripture is saying here that the priests and their duties were to reflect these two vessels. Light symbolizing wisdom, and the Sprit of G-d and ending with the altar of incense, which might symbolize the priests prayers being lifted to G-d. This seems like a spiritual message to us as we continue to look at the clothing of the priests and the offerings. It should also speak to us as believers today as we go about each day to always be aware of who we are and what our life is to be.
A Spiritual Path to G-D – Korach Numbers 16
Torah Portion: Korach Numbers 16:1-18:32
HafTorah: I Sam 11:14 – 12:22
Let me start with a couple of verses from Genesis 1:6-13. In these verses we read about the second and third day of creation. What is missing in day two? G-d does not say it is good. Why? One reason might be that there was a division on the second day. However on day three what do we read? He said, “It was good” twice. Here the earth and water reconciled the division by bringing forth life. I think we can see this in Korach and even in the New Testament. When was Yeshua resurrected? It happened on the third day and that resurrection brought forth spiritual life that we are still experiencing and will continue to experience.
Sh’mini (The Eighth)
Sh’mini (The Eighth) Leviticus 9:1-11:47 and II Samuel 6:1-7:17
I would like us to look first at II Samuel and then move to the Torah portion for tonight. First a touch of background: the Philistines had captured the ark from Israel in battle and took it to their territory. However, pretty quickly they saw that was not working out for them so they took it from Gath and returned it to Beith Shemesh. In I Samuel 6:19 it tells us the people of Beth Shemesh opened the ark and because of that 50,070 people died. Then they sent it on to Kirjath Jearim where it stayed in the house of Abinadab for twenty years.