Korach B’midbar(Numbers) 16:1-18:32
Torah Portion: Korach B’midbar(Numbers) 16:1-18:32
Haftorah Reading I Samuel 11:14-12:22
This week we read a Torah portion that begs the question, why? Why, after the catastrophe of the sending of the spies, would something like Korach’s rebellion happen? Maybe a clue can be found in the two opening words, in Hebrew, of our portion. In Hebrew this passage begins with the words, “Korach took.” Korach found people who were vulnerable to his arguments. They were men from the tribe of Rueben, Dothan and Aviram were among them. If you remember, the tribe of Reuben was displaced from the normal privileges of the first born because of his sin against his father Jacob. That place of the first born was given to Judah.
Vayigash (And He Approached) Gen 44-47
Torah Portion: Vayigash (And He Approached) B’Resheet (Gen.) 44-47
HafTorah: Ezekiel 37:15-28
This week we read the Torah portion that covers the reunion of Joseph and his brothers and their settling in Egypt. In Genesis 46:1 we read the account of Ya’acov’s vision when G-d called him and Ya’acov used the familiar phrase, “Here am I.” This is the third time G-d appeared to him. Like the first time, this vision occurred as Ya’acov was about to leave the Land. (chapter 29) The other vision happened when he returned to the Land in chapter 32 of Genesis. Here in our verses today we see Ya’acov near the end of his days.
Vayeishev (And He Settled) B’Resheet (Gen) 37-40
Torah Portion: Vayeishev (And He Settled) B’Resheet (Gen.) 37-40
HafTorah: Amos 2:6-3:8
This Torah portion is taken almost completely with the life of Joseph and his struggles until he become the second in power in the land of Egypt. There are several points that can be made from these verses about how Joseph dealt with his misfortunes. One amazing observation is how he was able to hold onto G-d’s purpose in his life, to not give up, or become discouraged. This trait speaks to me and I hope to each of you.
Balak (Numbers) B’Midbar 22-25
Torah Portion: Balak (Numbers) B’Midbar 22-25
Haftorah Reading: Micah 5:6-6:8
Tonight we study the Torah portion named Balak, after a Moabite king. It is the only Torah portion we study that is looked at through the eyes of non-Jewish people. As you know, the setting takes place very near the time Israel enters the Land in an area geographically just across the Jordon River from what is now Israel.