Va’Zot Habracha (And This is the Blessing) D’Varim/Deut. 33-34
Torah Portion: Va’Zot Habracha (And This is the Blessing) D’Varim/Deut. 33-34
HafTorah: Joshua 1:1-9
Tonight we finish the Torah reading cycle for this year. Next week we will be going back to Genesis/B’resheet to begin again. I pray each year as we come to this time you will experience new insights into G-d’s word for it truly is new every morning. It waits for us to go deeper than before. However, tonight we will concentrate on our portion that ends with the death of Moshe up on the mountain.
Vayetze (And He Went Out) B’resheet (Genesis) 28-32
Torah Portion: Vayetze (And He Went Out) B’resheet (Genesis) 28-32
Haftorah Reading: Hosea 12:13-14:10
This week our Torah portion covers at least 20 years of Jacob’s life. We read of his journey to the home of Laban, his marriage to Rachel and Leah and the birth of 11 of what would become the tribes of Israel. Finally, at the end of the Torah portion we read of his return to the Land.
Vayishlach (He Sent) B’Resheet (Gen) 32-36
Torah Portion: Vayishlach (He Sent) B’Resheet (Gen.) 32-36
HafTorah: Hosea 11:7-12:12
This week we read of the return of Jacob to the Land, his first meeting with his brother Esau in over twenty years and the death of their father Isaac and his burial along side Abraham. We also read of his constant struggles. At every stage he encounters things that test his resolve to go on in his life. There are several points that I would like to cover in his life which I think have a special message to each of us in our own walk with the Father.
Vayechi (He lived) (B’resheet) 47-50
Torah Portion: Vayechi(He Lived) (B’resheet) Genesis 47-50
Haftorah Reading: I Kings 2:1-12
This is the last Torah portion of the book of B’resheet/Genesis. In it we read of the death of both Jacob and Joseph. Yet, interesting the portion is titled, “And He Lived”. Always in Torah when we come across something like this we can be assured that G-d ‘s making a spiritual point for us.
B’Midbar In the Desert Numbers 1-4
Torah Portion: B’midbar (Numbers) In The Desert 1:1-4:20
HafTorah: Hosea 2:1-22
This week we start the fourth book of Torah, B’Midbar or ‘In the Desert.” Usually this Torah section is read on the Sabbath right before Shavuot but not this year. It is never read after Shavuot. On our June 3rd celebration of Shavuot we will talk more about the appointed time of Shavuot.