Shoftim (Judges) D’Varim (Deut.) 16-21

Torah Portion: Shoftim (Judges) D’Varim (Deut.) 16:18-21:9

Haftorah Reading: Isaiah 51:12-53:12

Messianic Scripture  Matthew 5:38-42; Acts 3:13-26; I Timothy 5:17-22

Today I want us to look at a couple of scriptures from our Torah portion this week. Much of my material will come from an article I read this week called, “The Mysterious Prophet” from First Fruits of Zion.

In Deut. 18:15 we read, “The L-rd your G-d will raise to you a prophet from your midst, from your brothers, like me, to him shall you listen.” We need to look also at Deut. 34:9-10 where we see the same promise of a prophet to come whom the L-rd knew face to face. So who is this person, this prophet?

Emor(Speak) Lev. (Vayikra) 21-24

Torah Portion Emor(Speak) Leviticus (Vayikra) 21-24

Haftorah Reading Ezekiel 44:15-31

Tonight we read a parasha that covers a variety of subjects. It covers commandments pertaining to the priests and how they are to live, who they are to marry and how they go about their duties.  One entire chapter covers the appointed times set by the Father. It is here where I want us to spend a bit of our time tonight.  I also want us to talk about the commandments covering the leaving of the edges of your crops and why G-d repeats this commandment when it was covered in last week’s scripture.