Naso (Take) Numbers (B’Midbar) 4-7

Torah Portion:  Naso(Take) (Numbers) B’Midbar 4-7

Haftorah Reading: Judges 13:2-25

 This Torah portion is the largest section we read during the year totaling 176 verses. In it we read of the census taken of the Levites, the woman suspected of being unfaithful to her husband, the Nazirite Vow, the priestly blessing and the confession of sin.

I emailed a paper to all of you here tonight written by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks entitled, “The Blessing of Love.” This article deals with the priestly blessing. I emailed the article to you to give you time to think about how it might apply spiritually to us in our lives today. I want us to take a few minutes to talk about this paper. The priestly blessing is found in Numbers 6:24-26. This is the blessing said by father’s over their children at the beginning of the Sabbath each week and one of the oldest prayers in scripture. In each line the second word used is the intimate holy name of G-d. In the first part of each line we read of action by G-d, bless, make His Face shine, and turn His face toward.   The second part of each verse speaks of the effect of that action, giving us protection, grace and peace. These effects also go deeper as we progress.