Ekev (Because) D’Varim (Deut.) 7:12-11:25

Torah Portion: Ekev (Because) D’Varim (Deut.) 7:12-11:25

Haftorah Reading: Isaiah 49:14-51:3

Messianic Scripture  Matt. 4:1-11, Luke 4:1-13, James 5:7-11

In our portion today we see Moshe begin to prepare the people of Israel for their new experience of entering the land of Israel, their land of promise. Everything they see and experience will be new for them. There will be battles to be fought and victories to be celebrated. No longer will they be wandering in the desert but now they will be free people in their own land.

Shelach (Send) B’midbar(Numbers) 13:1-15:41

Torah Portion: Shelach (Send) B’midbar(Numbers) 13:1-15:41

Haftorah Reading Joshua 2:1-24

Tonight, we study a Torah portion that is possibly one of the saddest portions we will look at this entire year. It is mainly concerned with the sin of the scouts. As a result of their mission Israel had to spend another forty years in the desert rather than being in the Land of Promise.

Ki Tavo (When You Come) Deut. 26-29

Torah Portion: Ki Tavo (When You Come) Devarim (Deuteronomy) 26-29

HafTorah: Isaiah 60:1-22

Tonight we study the Torah section Ki Tavo or, “when you come in.” In this section we read the blessings and curses that Moses lays out before the people before their entry into the Land. The blessings, if they follow the ways of G-d, curses if they do not. We also read of the Appointed Time of First Fruits known as what? It is called Shavuot or Pentecost and is the festival following Passover. Each farmer was called to bring the first fruits of his crop to the Temple in Jerusalem and present them as a tithe to the L-rd, to thank Him for settling them in the Land and fulfilling the promise to their ancestors. In the New Testament we see this time mentioned specifically in Acts 2, where we can see the people that came to the L-rd as the first fruits of the Messiah.