P’kudei(Accounts) Exodus(Sh’mot) 38:21-40:38
Torah Portion: P’kudei(Accounts) Exodus(Sh’mot) 38:21-40:38
Haftorah Reading: I Kings 7:40-8:38
Tonight, we finish the book of Sh’mot/Exodus as we read of the listing of all the material used in the construction of the Mishkan or Tabernacle and of the setting up of the structure. As we come to the end of this Torah portion we read of the glory of G-d settling on the Mishkan. In Exodus 38:34-35 we read where even Moshe could not enter the Mishkan because of the cloud that covered it and the glory of the L-rd filled it. In II Chronicles7:1-3 we again read of the Spirit of G-d falling when the first Temple was dedicated on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
A Spiritual Path to G-D – Korach Numbers 16
Torah Portion: Korach Numbers 16:1-18:32
HafTorah: I Sam 11:14 – 12:22
Let me start with a couple of verses from Genesis 1:6-13. In these verses we read about the second and third day of creation. What is missing in day two? G-d does not say it is good. Why? One reason might be that there was a division on the second day. However on day three what do we read? He said, “It was good” twice. Here the earth and water reconciled the division by bringing forth life. I think we can see this in Korach and even in the New Testament. When was Yeshua resurrected? It happened on the third day and that resurrection brought forth spiritual life that we are still experiencing and will continue to experience.