Tazria (She Conceives) Lev. 12:1-13:59 Metzora (Leper) Lev.14:1-15:33

Torah Portion: Tazria(She Conceives) Lev. 12:1-13:59 Metzora (Leper) Lev.14:1-15:33

Haftorah Reading: II Kings 4:42-5:19, II Kings 7:3-20

Messianic Scripture  Matthew 8:1-4, 11:2-6, Mark 1:40-45, Matt. 9:20-26, Hebrews 13:4

Today we read and study two Torah portions. Both are also represented in the Messianic Scriptures. The subject of both is bodily discharges that cause uncleanness to the person or object involved. The name of the first Torah portion is Tazria. What is interesting to us is that both Tazria and Metzora are mentioned in different places in the Messianic Scriptures.

B’Shallach (After He Had Let Go) Sh’mot/Exodus 13:17-17:16

Torah PortionB’Shallach (After He Had Let Go) Sh’mot/Exodus 13:17-17:16

Haftorah Reading: Judges 4:4-5:31


Today we read of the people of Israel being freed from Egypt and slavery after living four hundred years as slaves to Pharaoh. If I had to put a title to this section it might be, “Change and Transformation.” I want us, as we study today, to look at our own life in light of what we talk about.


In our opening verse Exodus 13:17 we read, “And it came to pass, when Pharaoh had let the people go, that G-d led them not through the way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near; for G-d said, ‘Lest perhaps the people repent when they see war and they return to Egypt.”

T’rumah (Contribution) Exodus (Sh’mot) 25:1-27:19

Torah PortionT’rumah (Contribution) Exodus (Sh’mot) 25:1-27:19

Haftorah Reading: I Kings 5:26-6:13

Tonight, we begin a series of four Torah portions that discuss the building of the Mishkan or Tabernacle and all of the items included in that construction. When Israel came into the Land their Tabernacle was set up in Shiloh and remained there for 369 years until Solomon built the Temple in Jerusalem.

Our portion begins with G-d speaking to Moshe, instructing him to take a contribution from the people to provide all the materials needed in the construction project. Later in Sh’mot/Exodus 35:21-29 we read where both men and women were included in this contribution. This makes the point that this was shared by everyone, all the people of Israel, not just a few. Everyone had a part in the building of the Mishkan.