Pinchas B’midbar (Numbers) 25:10-30:1
Torah Portion: Pinchas B’midbar (Numbers) 25:10-30:1
Haftorah Reading I Kings 18:46-19:21
Our reading tonight is filled with many things that deserve our attention. I will try to pick a few to look at and then, before we finish, I want to share some study material with you. One hand out will show a list of Biblical holidays, where they are commanded in the Torah, and where they were celebrated in the Messianic Scripture by Yeshua and the believing community at that time.
Jethro(Yitro) Exodus(Sh’mot) 18:1-20:23
Torah Portion: Jethro(Yitro) Exodus(Sh’mot) 18:1-20:23
Haftorah Reading: Isaiah 6:1-7:6; 9:5-6
This week we have studied a Torah portion named for the father-in-law of Moshe. Jethro heard of all the great things G-d had done for Israel and came to visit Moshe to see for himself. He also brought along Moshe’s wife and two sons.
Ki Tetze (When You Go Out) D’Varim/Deut. 21:10-25:19
Torah Portion: Ki Tetze (When You Go Out) D’Varim/Deut. 21:10-25:19
HafTorah: Isaiah 54:1-10
Tonight we study and read a portion made up of over seventy commandments. These commandments cover a variety of subjects but have mainly one theme. What do you think that theme might be? I think this portion’s unifying theme is how should G-d’s people live from day to day? What should be the characteristics of our life?
HayeiSarah (Sarah’s Life) B’Resheet (Gen) 23-25
Torah Portion: Hayei Sarah (Sarah’s Life) B’Resheet (Gen.) 23:1-25:18
HafTorah: I Kings 1:1-31
Tonight we read the Torah portion, “The life of Sarah,” yet with in this Torah section we read of the death of both Sarah and Avraham. We read of the search for a bride for Isaac and the purchase of a burial place in Hevron for Sarah. It is here I would like to start tonight.
Shemini (Eighth) Leviticus 9-11
Torah Portion: Shemini (Eighth) Leviticus 9-11
HafTorah: II Samuel 6:1-7:17
In this Torah portion today we see the continuation of the preparations for the glory of G-d to appear before the people in the tabernacle (Mishkan). We see Moshe making ready Aaron and his sons to present the offerings before the L-rd. We read of the death of his two sons, Nadav and Avihu. This is followed by an entire chapter on what foods are considered food and which are not.