Vayishlach (And He Sent) B’resheet (Genesis) 32:4-36:43
Torah Portion: Vayishlach (And He Sent) B’resheet (Genesis) 32:4-36:43
Haftorah Reading: Obadiah 1:1-21
Tonight we read one of the pivotal moments of Yaakov’s life. It involves his meeting with his twin brother, Esau, after a separation of at least 20 years. If you remember, his mother Rebekah/Rivka sent him away to stay with her family and promised to send for him when Esau’s anger cooled. He never received that word from his mother. Rather, G-d instructed him to return home. So, we find him here in the night before meeting his brother Esau.
Think back through Yaakov’s life. How did he deal with sin, in the past and now including this meeting? What can we learn from this pattern of Yaakovs? It seems he mainly dealt with sin by running away from it rather than actually dealing with the issue. Is that a constructive way to deal with a problem?
Noah B’resheet (Genesis) 6-11
Torah Portion: Noah B’resheet (Genesis) 6-11
Haftorah Reading: Isaiah 54:1-10
Tonight we discuss the Torah portion Noah, a man described by Torah as a just man, perfect in his generation. (Genesis 6:9) The word translated as just is Tzadik in Hebrew. It can also be translated as righteous and the word translated as perfect is Tamay, also meaning pure. This gives us the picture of a man of principles, a good man, not swayed by the sin around him. He was able to maintain his connection with G-d even in the midst of a sinful world. This speaks to us about how we live in our world today. Are we swayed by what we see and hear each day or can we maintain our balance? Especially in our world today this is an important question we all face.
B’resheet (In the Beginning) Gen. 1:1-6:8
Torah Portion: B’resheet (In the Beginning) 1:1-6:8
Haftorah Reading: Isaiah 42:5-43:10
Today we begin our journey anew by looking at Genesis, B’resheet, “In the Beginning.” In this Portion we read of G-d creating out of nothing. We read of the first family, the first children and of course of the first sin. We read of a couple who walked with G-d, a couple created in the image of G-d and a couple seduced by their own choice.
B’resheet (In the Beginning)Gen 1-6
Torah Portion: B’resheet (In the Beginning) Genesis 1:1-6:8
HafTorah: Isaiah 42:5-43:10
This week we have the privilege of starting over in the Torah. We read the first chapters of Genesis. We read about creation, we read of the creation of man, the first birth, and the first sin. We have many things to contemplate tonight.
Even in the first four words, B’resheet bara Elohim, (In the beginning created G-d) By the creating force of His word G-d spoke into being that which had not existed prior. John 1:1 identifies that Word as Messiah Yeshua. G-d alone was/is able to create out of nothing. We all bear His signature, His creative power, when sperm and egg unite and by G-d’s hand another soul enters this world. All of this and we are only in the first four words.
Lech L’kha (Go to Yourself) Genesis 12-17
Torah Portion: Lekh L’kha (Go to Yourself) Genesis 12-17
HafTorah: Isaiah 4o:27-41:16
This week we read about the call of Abraham. This Parasha has been pivotal in my own life for over 40 years. I can truly say it started my journey to Israel.
Tonight I want us to look at these verses and let G-d apply them to your own life and situation. I want us to be open to what the Father says to us in the next few minutes. I believe He has more for us than we have ever imagined.
B’resheet (In the Beginning) Genesis 1-6
Torah Portion: B’resheet (In the Beginning) Genesis 1:1-6:8
HafTorah: Isaiah 42:5-43
So here we are at the beginning. So much to look at and study; we have creation, the first couple, first children, first sin. Our task is to see how it all applies to us today. What are those spiritual principles that will help us to live our life as the Creator intended? We see the hand of G-d as He moved through His creation, a creation unlike any since, something from nothing.
A Spiritual Path to G-D – Korach Numbers 16
Torah Portion: Korach Numbers 16:1-18:32
HafTorah: I Sam 11:14 – 12:22
Let me start with a couple of verses from Genesis 1:6-13. In these verses we read about the second and third day of creation. What is missing in day two? G-d does not say it is good. Why? One reason might be that there was a division on the second day. However on day three what do we read? He said, “It was good” twice. Here the earth and water reconciled the division by bringing forth life. I think we can see this in Korach and even in the New Testament. When was Yeshua resurrected? It happened on the third day and that resurrection brought forth spiritual life that we are still experiencing and will continue to experience.
Beresheet (In the Beginning)
Torah Portion: Bereshit (In the Beginning) Genesis 1:1-6:8
HafTorah: Isaiah 42:5-43:11
New Testament: John 1:1-18
For the next few weeks I want us to look at the Torah and the New Testament together to see how one compliments and illuminates the other. Where better to see this than here in Genesis and in John. They both start with exactly the same words, “In the beginning.” In fact I would think John had Genesis in mind as he wrote his gospel.