B’resheet/Genesis (In the Beginning) 1:1-6:8

Torah Portion: B’resheet/Genesis (In the Beginning) 1:1-6:8
Haftorah Reading: Isaiah 42:5-43:10
Today we begin the cycle of reading the Torah again with our reading in Genesis. In our reading we are faced with several issues that are extremely important to us all as we go through our days given to us by the Father.
I would like to  begin with two verses in Genesis 3:8-9. “They heard the sound of the L-rd G-d walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the L-rd G-d among the trees of the garden.” In verse nine, “And the L-rd G-d called to Adam and said to him, Where are you? This question has echoed through time. It speaks to us today. Where are we? It is important to remember here that man was the one hiding from G-d, not the other way around. Have you ever heard G-d ask you that question? Where are you? Why have you forgotten me? Sometime when we are struggling we ask G-d where is He. The real question is where are we.

Vayechi (And He Lived) B’resheet/Genesis 47:28-50:26

Torah PortionVayechi (And He Lived) B’resheet/Genesis 47:28-50:26

Haftorah Reading: I Kings 2:1-12

Tonight, we read the last portion of Genesis. This portion covers the end of Jacob’s life as well as that of his son Joseph. It is interesting that the name of this portion is, “And He Lived,” but then goes into great detail of Jacob’s last days. If you remember we saw this same thing in the portion about the death of Sarah. What point do you think is being made here in our portion and also in the one about Sarah?  I believe the important point being made is how have we lived our life; how did we spend our days? I pray for each of us this urgency of living over-rides the death that comes to us all.