Naso (Take) Num/B’midbar 4:21-7:89

 Naso (Take) Numbers/B’midbar 4:21-7:89

Haftorah Reading: Judges 13:2-25

Messianic Scripture  John 7:53-8:11, Acts 21:17-32

This week we read the portion named Naso. When you read this portion you will find it filled with details of the gifts brought by each family head. However, buried in these details we read the verses laying out a prayer. This prayer was given by G-d to Moshe to be used by the priests to speak over the people. This is what I want us to spend our time on today. The verses are found in Numbers 6:22-27.



Today is the first day of the seven day holiday of Sukkot. It marks the end of the biblical holidays of the year. It is also the last of the three festival holidays that required Jews to go to Jerusalem to offer their offerings and worship G-d. Sukkot is mentioned in John 7. There it describes Yeshua going up to Jerusalem and teaching.  The biblical cycle of holidays begins with Passover, followed by Shavuot and ending with sukkot.