Vayishlach (And He Sent) Gen 32-36

Torah Portion: Vayishlach (And He sent) Genesis 32:4-36:43

HafTorah: Obadiah 1:1-21

This week we read of Jacob’s return from a 20+ year exile living with his uncle Laban. While there, G-d blessed him with family,(four wives and 12 children) and material wealth. In Genesis 32:9-12 we read Jacob’s prayer as he approaches his reunion with his brother Esau. Look especially at verse 10. In this verse we read, “I am not worthy” of all you have done for me. Interesting word used in Hebrew for, “I am not worthy.” In Hebrew it is the word “Kantoni” which means, “I am small.” It actually appears in verse 11 in the Hebrew text. This gives us a window into where Jacob is spiritually during this prayer. It could have been that looking at all he had he might have felt proud of what he had accomplished. However, this word gives us the impression that he had full awareness of who was responsible for his flocks, wives and children. It seems Jacob is saying, “I have decreased as You have increased in my life. As I have been embraced by Your love it has brought me closer to You and as You have become closer to me I have gotten smaller. I know you are the One, not me.” He had grown more humble.

Bamidbar (In the Desert) and Shavuot

Weekly Torah Section: Bamidbar (In the Desert) Numbers 1:1-4:20, HafTorah: Hosea 2:1-22

Shavuot (Pentecost) Leviticus 23:9-22

Shavuot starts 49 days after Passover at the end of the counting of the Omer.  It is known as the time of G-d giving the Torah. And if you look at Exodus you can count the days from Passover until the Mt. Sinai experience and come to this conclusion as well. I want us to take a minute and look at this holiday since some may not be familiar with it. It begins this coming Tuesday evening, May 18th. It is the second of the pilgrimage holidays coming between Passover and Succoth. In Deut. we read a good account of the agricultural background to the holiday of Shavuot. What does it mean to us and can we make some spiritual applications to our lives?