Vayak’hel (He Assembled) Exodus/Sh’mot 35:1-38:20

Vayak’hel(He Assembled)Exodus/Sh’mot 35:1-38:20
Haftorah Reading: I Kings 7:13-26
Today I want to urge you to be in prayer concerning the Russian invasion of Ukraine, going on now. We as G-d’s people have a responsibility to hold this situation before the Father. Many people have already died and sadly many more will likely die. However, we know the Ruler of the universe and we must seek His answer to this tragic conflict.
In some ways our Torah portion this week should encourage us. In this portion we read one of the two times the details of the construction of the Mishkan is laid out. We read the details of the construction already in Exodus 25:1-31:17. Now, again in Exodus 35:1-38:20 we read another account of the instructions to build this structure. However, there is one marked difference in these two accounts. In Ki Tisa, Exodus 25, the command of the Sabbath appears at the end of the details of construction while here today we read of the command of the Sabbath at the very beginning of Moshe speaking to the people Why the difference? On a simple level we might say that when G-d created man he, Adam, experienced Shabbat as his first day living on this earth but as G-d’s saw it, it was the last day of creation or the seventh day.

B’midbar (In the desert) B’midbar/Numbers 1:1-4:20

Torah Portion: B’midbar (In the desert) B’midbar/Numbers 1:1-4:20

Haftorah Reading Hosea 1:10-2:20

Tonight, I have several topics I want to cover. I would like to begin with my question of the week. When we start this book of Torah I think it is worthwhile to compare it to the second book of Torah called Sh’mot/Exodus. In both, the people commit a terrible sin. In Exodus it was the golden calf and here in Numbers it was the sin of the bad report of the spies. In both situations G-d threatened to destroy them and start over with Moshe. Both times Moshe appealed to G-d and G-d relented.

Shemini (Eighth ) Lev (Vayikra) 9-11


Torah Portion Shemini (Eighth ) Leviticus (Vayikra) 9-11

Haftorah Reading II Samuel 6:1-7:17

Today we read a very exciting Torah portion or at least it should be exciting. The first services are to be held in the newly completed Mishkan. Aaron and his sons are offering the offerings before G-d Almighty and the fire of G-d devours the offering. The people gave a shout and fell down before the L-rd and so ended chapter 9.