Chukat (Ordinance) B’midbar/Numbers 19:1-22:1
Chukat (Ordinance) B’midbar/Numbers 19:1-22:1
Bless each of you tonight as we study G-d’s word. I would like to begin with my two questions of the week. I believe this Torah portion presents us with a few points that we will have to dig in order to find an answer.
First, the title of this portion, chukat, gives us a clue as to what will follow. In Hebrew this word is used for laws that are hard to understand or find what G-d is saying through them. In English this word can be best translated as ordinance. This tells us that this law is different from other commandments of Torah.
Tol’dot History – B’resheet/Genesis 25:19-28:9
: Tol’dot (Generations) B’resheet/Genesis 25:19-28:9
Haftorah Readings: Malachi 1:1-2:7
I would like to begin today with a verse that has no connection to my question of the week. However, I believe it has so much to tell us I couldn’t let it go. Look at Genesis 26:28. In this verse we read, “And they said, we have surely seen that the L-rd has been with you.” This verse recounts the words of Avimelech, king of the Philistines in Gerar. They came to Isaac where he was encamped at Beer Sheva.