Yitro (Jethro) Sh’mot/Ex. 18:1-20:23
Torah Portion: Yitro (Jethro) Sh’mot/Exodus 18:1-20:23
Haftorah Reading: Isaiah 6:1-7:6; 9:5-6
Today we look at the Torah portion of Yitro/Jethro. This portion was named after the father in law of Moshe. It contains many things that could occupy pages of discussion. However, I will only deal with a few of them today.
I want to begin with my question about Shavuot or the holiday of weeks. This holiday happens on the fiftieth day counting from the first day of Passover. I know we have covered this more than once but I believe it is worthwhile to go over it again, lest we forget from where our faith came.